
We Shape the University of the Future.
Your Career.

We are rethinking university! Interdisciplinary, international and digital: this is the conceptual core of the Technical University of Nuremberg. An important goal for us is to link engineering sciences with other areas of society. We also focus on English-language teaching, digital forms of learning and forward-looking research topics. Our campus will offer space for up to 6,000 students on around 37 hectares and combine learning, teaching and living in one place. Apply now and join us in shaping the university of the future!

Current job offers

Jobs for Professors

In addition to a modern teaching concept and exciting research topics, the UTN offers attractive career opportunities for professors.

To the current job vacancies

Jobs for Employees

Building a university, creating structures and shaping ideas – this is an interesting and complex process. Our positions are just as multifaceted.

To the current job vacancies

To the current job vacancies for doctoral researchers follow the link:

Jobs for Doctoral Researchers

Begin your doctoral journey at UTN and expand your academic excellence, personal development and professional success.

To the current job vacancies

To the current job vacancies for students follow the link:

Jobs for Students

Would you like to gain work experience in your field during your studies? UTN offers a range of engaging projects and tasks to help you learn and grow!

To the current job vacancies

Learn more about the UTN


The university of the future is green! From building design to administrative processes: we live sustainability in all its facets. For example, we integrate innovative climate protection concepts into the planning of our campus.

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To learn more about our New Work Concept follow the link:

New Work Concept

We are rethinking university – not only in research and teaching, but also in the way we work. That is why we are focusing on an innovative New Work concept in our interim building and in the planning of the campus.

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To learn more about our diversity, equity and inclusion concept follow the link:

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

As an innovative place of learning, research and teaching, UTN has a culture of appreciation. To this end, we promote core values such as diversity, equality and inclusion in all their dimensions.

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Credits: Header Adobestock/JacobLund; AdobeStock/carballo; AdobeStock/Suteren Studio; AdobeStock/Tongpool; AdobeStock/sebra; UTN; AdobeStock/Seegraphie