Press Material

Photos relating to media releases can be found under the individual news releases. You are welcome to use photos, as long as you indicate the source. All photos have been released by the University of Technology Nuremberg for news coverage.

Press Photos and Profiles: Founding Executive Board

Prof. Dr. Michael Huth, Gründungspräsident (Copyright: Eye-D Fotodesign)
Prof. Dr. Michael Huth, Founding President
(Copyright: Eye-D Fotodesign)
Prof. Dr. Isa Jahnke, Gründungsvizepräsidentin für Studium, Lehre und Internationales (Copyright: Eye-D Fotodesign)
Prof. Dr. Isa Jahnke, Founding Vice President of Academic and International Affairs (Copyright: Eye-D Fotodesign)
Prof. Dr. Alexander Martin, Gründungsvizepräsident für Forschung, Innovation und Entrepreneurship / Stellvertretender Gründungspräsident (Copyright: Eye-D Fotodesign)
Prof. Dr. Alexander Martin, Founding Vice President for Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Copyright: Eye-D Fotodesign)
Dr. Markus Zanner, Kanzler (Copyright: Eye-D Fotodesign)
Dr. Markus Zanner, Kanzler
(Copyright: Eye-D Fotodesign)

PDF Downloads:

Profile of Prof. Dr. Michael Huth, Founding President

Profile of Prof. Dr. Alexander Martin, Founding Vice President for Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Profile of Prof. Dr. Isa Jahnke, Founding Vice President for Academic and International Affairs

Profile of Dr. Markus Zanner, Kanzler

Profile of Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. Hans Jürgen Prömel, Founding President (2021 – 2024)

Download of Founding Executive Board photos:

Prof. Dr. Michael Huth, Founding President

Prof. Dr. Alexander Martin, Founding Vice President for Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Prof. Dr. Isa Jahnke, Founding Vice President for Academic and International Affairs

Dr. Markus Zanner, Kanzler

Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. Hans Jürgen Prömel, Founding President (2021 – 2024)

Press Photos and Profiles: Departments

Portait Aufnahme von Prof. Dr. Wolfram Burgard, Founding Chair Department Engineering
Prof. Dr. Wolfram Burgard, Founding Chair Department Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
(Copyright: Eye-D Fotodesign)
Professor Gyburg Uhlmann
Prof. Dr. Gyburg Uhlmann, Founding Chair Department of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (Copyright: Eye-D Fotodesign)

PDF Downloads

Profile of Prof. Dr. Wolfram Burgard, Founding Chair Department Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence

Profile of Prof. Dr. Gyburg Uhlmann, Founding Chair Department of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences

Download Department photos

Prof. Dr. Wolfram Burgard, Founding Chair Department Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence

Prof. Dr. Gyburg Uhlmann, Founding Chair Department Liberal Arts and Social Sciences

Press Photos: University of Technology Nuremberg


View of the Grüne Mitte, a park on the campus
Campus Grüne Mitte
(Copyright: Ferdinand Heide Architekt/TOPOS Stadtplanung Landschaftsplanung Stadtforschung)


Cube One, (Copyright: Gustav EppleBauunternehmung mit a+r Architekten / Rendering moka-studio)
Cube One
(Copyright: Gustav Epple Bauunternehmung mit a+r Architekten / Rendering moka-studio)


Photo of the architectural model from above, showing the entire campus area. The green areas have been darkened hervorgehoben.
Architectural model
(Copyright: Ferdinand Heide Architekt/TOPOS Stadtplanung Landschaftsplanung Stadtforschung)


Cube One (Copyright: Stefan Meyer)


Cube One (Copyright: Stefan Meyer)


Cube One (Copyright: Stefan Meyer)


Cube One (Copyright: Stefan Meyer)


2 neue Gebäude im Norden des Areals, (Copyright: Burckhardt + Partner)
Two new buildings in the north side of the campus area
(Copyright: Burckhardt + Partner)


Two new buildings in the north side of the campus area
(Copyright: Burckhardt + Partner)
Two new buildings in the north side of the campus area
(Copyright: Burckhardt + Partner)


Press Folder: University of Technology Nuremberg

PDF Download: Press Folder University of Technology Nuremberg

Fact Sheets

PDF-Download: Fact Sheet Experience Cubes