Subproject: Regulatory uncertainty in German energy markets

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Funding: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Abstract: In the next funding phase, the joint project Ariadne will continue to show ways through the complex details of the energy transition: Ariadne researches energy transition strategies and their systemic effects as well as sectoral interactions. The research also focuses on policy instruments to achieve climate targets in an efficient and socially balanced manner. And the question of which governance and which institutions are needed to shape effective climate protection is to be answered. The project specifically addresses decision-making problems in politics, but also initiates debates with politicians, stakeholders and citizens with the aim of shaping a joint learning process.
In WP 3 (Europe) and WP 5 (Electricity & Energy Market Design), the sub-project examines the influence of various national and European framework conditions on investment decisions by players in the energy market. Based on current proposals and discussions on changes to the energy market design, the interaction of investments in energy transport networks and energy conversion plants is examined in multi-stage energy market models. One focus of the analyses is the consideration of regulatory uncertainty and investment incentives at the interfaces between the energy markets for different energy sources.
Project manager: Veronika Grimm and Jonas Egerer
Stuff: Ulrike Pfefferer
Project term: 01.09.2023 – 31.08.2026