
News General

Statement by the University of Technology Nuremberg against anti-Semitism

With this statement, the UTN expresses that we condemn anti-Semitism, discrimination and racism in all forms, that we give them no space and that we actively act against them. We expressly support the “Resolution for Respect at Bavarian Universities and Against Discrimination, Racism and Anti-Semitism” in all its parts.
Read more about "Statement by the University of Technology Nuremberg against anti-Semitism"

News General

Prof. Dr Veronika Grimm Honoured with the Award “Ordnungspolitischer Preis“

The business association ‘Die Familienunternehmer’ has awarded Prof. Dr. Veronika Grimm of the Energy Systems and Market Design Lab at the Technical University of Nuremberg the so-called ‘Ordnungspolitischer Preis’. Prof Grimm received the award alongside her co-authors Stefan Kolev and Jens Weidmann for their FAZ article ‘Interventionismus als Gefahr für die Demokratie (Interventionism as a Threat to Democracy’.
Read more about "Prof. Dr Veronika Grimm Honoured with the Award “Ordnungspolitischer Preis“"

Foto: Albert Füracker, MdL, Bayerischer Staatsminister der Finanzen und für Heimat sowie Professor Alexander Martin, stellvertretender Gründungspräsident der UTN mit der unterzeichneten Kooperation für eine weitreichende Zusammenarbeit. (Copyright: Dieter Zeitler)
General Press Releases

Driving digitalization in tax administration with AI: Bavarian State Minister for Finance and Home Affairs Füracker and UTN Acting Founding President Martin sign declaration of intent

On Friday, 2 August 2024, Albert Füracker, Bavarian State Minister of Finance and Homeland, and Professor Alexander Martin, Acting Founding President of the UTN, signed a declaration of intent to initiate a comprehensive cooperation. This cooperation aims to achieve a significant objective: integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into public administration. The integration is expected to enhance the efficiency of tax administration, reduce costs and expedite processes for taxpayers.
Read more about "Driving digitalization in tax administration with AI: Bavarian State Minister for Finance and Home Affairs Füracker and UTN Acting Founding President Martin sign declaration of intent"

News General

The future of university teaching – Nuremberg’s partner stage of the University Future Festival

Virtual labs, gamification in university teaching and the role of ChatGPT in studies – these and other topics were discussed this week at the University:Future Festival. The program on the Nuremberg stage of the nationwide event dealt with innovative teaching-learning approaches and current research findings. It was aimed at anyone with an interest in higher education.
Read more about "The future of university teaching – Nuremberg’s partner stage of the University Future Festival"

Der Sachverständigenrat bestehend aus 5 Personen präsentiert das Jahresgutachten 2023/24.
General Press Releases

Weak Economy and Green Freight Transport: Council of Economic Experts Presents New Report

Despite a stabilizing economy, Germany’s economic growth will be modest this year. This conclusion originates from the Council of Economic Experts in their spring report presented today. Along with the economic forecast, the experts, led by Prof. Dr. Veronika Grimm from the University of Technology Nuremberg, provide an in-depth analysis of decarbonizing freight transport.
Read more about "Weak Economy and Green Freight Transport: Council of Economic Experts Presents New Report"